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Its a beautiful day at Etsy

9 Apr

Its a beautiful day for Etsy shoppers indeed. I get the weekly finds email/newsletter from and wanted to showcase a few of the things i really like. This newsletter was Springtime themed, as are most of their recent emails have been.

This set of gorgeous painted mason jars


This Game of Thrones looking tent


This beautiful laptop decal


Now im not a fan of a lot of Boho jewelry, but that big rectangle rock ring is awesome (and heavy looking)


I love anything greek goddess-ish


I have a weakness for lace


And flora


Mmmm! My god, this would be perfect as a tea bag dish


I want this so badly. Even though i would kill half of it


Im not getting married anytime soon. But if i was…


She looks a bit like Billy Piper. Minus the flower crown


Happy Halloween!

2 Nov

Happy day after Halloween you monsters! What did you dress up as? And if you didn’t dress up, then whats wrong with you!? I was inspired by Promise Phan’s Stitched Voodoo doll video and went as a Stitched Voodoo Queen.


My brother was an Army man^

Poltergeist Cabinets

21 Oct

Hello lovely

I was just making myself a fruit salad (aka the food of the gods) and realized something peculiar. I never shut cabinets once i open them. I know its not that weird and that I’m not the only one but it just really hit me how ridiculous it is that once i open a cabinet in the kitchen, even though I’m still five inches from it, i walk away without shutting it and i don’t know why.

So sometimes my house looks like it has a poltergeist or something.

Its a good thing my dad has the opposite though, he will shut any cabinet thats open even if your hand is still reaching for a glass.